The Boss
Scott Bohle
The head honcho, science guru extraordinaire, captain of the ship. For more specific and useful information, click here: Dr. Bohle's Webpage
Group Members
Benita Kapuku
Benita completed her BSc in Maynooth University, Ireland and swiftly started her PhD in 2014. She is currently working on a malaria project to have a better understanding of the parasites and drugs interact. Being from DRCongo this project is very dear to her heart. But the real question is: where did she get her accent? Its not Irish or Congolese or South African...
Cassidy VanderSchee
Cassidy hails from Alberta where she completed her BSc at the King's University. She began her PhD in the fall of 2014 and is doing work related to tungsten toxicity. Besides doing research for the pure joy of it, she also plans to use it as a way to travel for cheap. She wants to learn all the things.
Danae Guerra
Danae is from Mexico. She started her PhD in Materials Engineering in winter 2014. Currently, she is being co-supervised by Dr. Bohle in a project about the surface of the malaria pigment. She claims that her superpower is to centrifuge at insane speeds without bursting the tubes.
David Kuter
David completed his PhD at the University of Cape Town in South Africa in 2014 and is currently working on methods to visualize and probe tungsten accumulation in bone. "Dangerous Dave" (as he is better known by) is regarded as the adrenaline-junkie of the group since he routinely partakes in extreme activities such as reading, boardgames and computer gaming.
Harrison Cassidy
Harrison is from Saint John, New Brunswick, and completed his B Sc. at Acadia University. He joined the group in June 2017 and his project is related to osteoclast activity and imaging. See urban dictionary for more detailed information.
Ivor Wharf
This adjunct professor claims the inorganic side of our lab as his lair. Whatever problem you think you have, Ivor knows of a nearly-extinct piece of glassware that could solve said problem.
Quentin Gaydon
Quentin is from Belgium/France and obtained his B Sc. from McGill University in June 2016. He joined the group in September 2016 and is working on the synthesis and spectroscopy of chiral 3rd row transition metal complexes. When not in lab, he's walking around campus looking for samosas.
Tamika Wynter
Tamika is a PhD student at the university of the West Indies Jamaica (2013). Her research focus is on synthesis, characterisation and mechanistic studies of nitric oxide donors. She is currently at McGill as a graduate research trainee.
Mimi Simmons
Mimi is from Montreal and will be graduating from McGill University in June 2018. She is currently finishing an honours project involving the coordination of nitrosoguandine.