Alumni Members
Carla Spina
B.Sc. 2003, University of Calgary. PhD 2009, Mcgill University. Is actually seldom dressed as a unicorn
Cheryl Bain
Dagobert Tazoo
'Le Roi' Dagobert hails from Cameroon, and while you are reading this, he is working. In the Bohle lab, this more specifically meant, anti-malarial drugs.
Erin Dodd
B.A., 2002, Memorial University of Newfoundland. B.Sc., 2000, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Project Title: "Probing Structure-Drug Interactions of Hematin Anhydride via NMR: Synthesis of Ga-Analogues of Natural and non-Natural Heme Dimers"
Inna Perepichka
B.Sc., Donetsk State University B.Sc., 1998, Donetsk State University. Ph.D., 2002, Institute of Physical Organic and Coal Chemistry of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine. Project Title: "Synthesis of Sydnone Derivatives via Nitric Oxide Reactions"
Joel Poisson
Joël is the elusive nitrene maker of the group. He can be difficult to locate, existing only on brief timescales, before inserting himself into one of his many workspaces around the department. When seen, he’s usually staring at some sort of really bright, colourful solution in awe, with no actual clue of its contents.
Kamilah Smith
B.Sc. 2000, McMaster University. M.Sc. 2003, McGill University. PhD 2006, McGill University. Thesis: "Nitric Oxide Addition to Nucleophiles: Stereochemistry, Mechanisms and Kinetics"
Kristopher Rosadiuk
Kris just successfully defended his PhD thesis in 2015! He will be staying on for the next year as a postdoc. Kris is remembering what you have forgotten.
Laura Brothers
Currently completing her Master's degree in wine tasting.
Marie-Josee Bellemare
Mehdi Asghari Kiavi
Mirna Paul
B.Sc. 2001, University of Central Florida. M.Sc. 2015, McGill University
Munendra Yadav
Munendra Yadav is a postdoctoral student at Mcgill. He received from IIT Delhi, India in 2011 and PhD from KIT Karlsruhe, Germany (2014) with Prof. Peter W. Roesky. His research is focused on chiralgenesis and detoxification of malaria. Apart from research, he enjoys playing badminton and cricket.
Nicolas Debons
Nicolas is currently visiting us on an internship from France where he is working on his Masters in Chemistry at Ecole Normale Superieure of Paris. Nicolas would choose to live in eternal winter, if he had that opportunity. When Nicolas isn't creating a fluorescent catechol chelate for the tungstate ion, he is choreographing some new dance steps for the group.
Raecca Moore
B.Sc. 2002, McMaster University. PhD 2009, McGill University.
Yuxuan Wei Gu
Zhijie Chua
This is ZJ. He seldom holds still long enough to get a good photo.
Alexander Waked
Alex is probably listening to Pink Floyd.
Bryan Park
Bryan is finishing up his third year at McGill pursuing an honours degree in chemistry with a minor degree in psychology. His research project is on the mechanism of the anti malarial drug chloroquine binding on synthetic ferrihemes. He tends to make small talks revolving around chemistry jokes, though has been told that most people don't really understand any of them.
Charles Cole
Jamie Dimopoulos
Jamie is spending his last days at McGill with us, researching drugs to combat malaria. After he leaves his summer job, he will be going to begin his doctorate of Pharmacy at University de Montreal!
Karen Arane
Margaret Robson Gordon
Margaret is finishing her double majors in Chemistry and English Literature. She's learned the math and quantum to be a mad scientist (and the lit crit to get sick of that stereotype), but stayed in chem for the colours. When she's not making fluorescent ruthenium-complex probes for parasitic worms, she's working in the teaching labs trying to minimize breakdowns and death-by-badly-disposed-pipettes.
Maya Singer Hobbs
May or may not be a singer
Radu Suciu
Ruth Knox